Welcome to our Governors' Section
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
All Governors are appointed on a 4 year term.
Governing Body Structure / Members
Ms Madeleine Bowe
Local Authority Representatives
Cllr. John Whittle (Chair) - term from 16.11.2022 to 15.11.2026 Responsibilities - Early Years Pupil Premium, Health and Safety/Physical Safeguarding, Designated Safeguarding Governor
Community Representatives - Co-opted Governors
Mrs Michelle Catley (Vice Chair) - term from 16.11.2022 to 15.11.2026 Responsibilities - Progress and Standards, Curriculum and Pupil
Mrs Stephanie Kemp - term from 17.05.2022 to 16.05.2026 Responsibilities - Safeguarding Deputy, Progress and Standards and Curriculum.
Mrs Emilie Cawthorn- term from 21.03.2023 to 20.03.2027
Mrs Kim Dallimore- term from 25.01.2024 to 24.01.2027
Parent Governors
Mrs Keely Philo - 20.01.2023 - 19.01.2027
1 parent vacancy
Mrs Dawn Faherty 18.03.2024 - 17.03.2028
Associate Members
Mrs Katie Mainprize- 24.11.2022-23.11.2026
Miss Vicky Readshaw- 24.11.2022-23.11.2026
Staff Voting Head
Mrs Claire White 03.12.2018 -
Past Governors
Mrs Kirsty Woods 11.12.2018 - 10.12.2022
Cllr Chris Matthews - term from 05.09.2019 to 26.01.2023
Mrs Sarah Welbourne term from 17.05.2022 to 25.01.2024
Register of Governor Interests
The Following Governors of Bridlington Nursery School have declared an interest:
Claire White - Headteacher Governor at Beverley Manor, Hedon and Hornsea Nursery Schools
John Whittle - School Governor at Hornsea Nursery School
Michelle Catley - School Governor at Hornsea Nursery School
Emilie Cawthorn- Staff Governor at Nafferton Primary School
Finance, Premises and Resources
- Membership of the committee will be no fewer than 3 governors, plus the Headteacher.
- The quorum for each meeting shall be 3 governors.
- The committee is to meet termly (3 times per year) and otherwise as required, using the terms of reference as a guide to agenda setting.
- The committee is to report to each meeting of the full governing body.
Terms of Reference:
- To review & approve the annual budget and Finance Governor to approve budget on Orovia online system;
- Monitoring and evaluating the budget allocated to the school to achieve value for money;
- Preparation and presentation of an annual budget to the full governing body for approval;
- To report to the Governing Body regularly on budgetary performance as the year progresses;
- To make expenditure/virement decisions up to an agreed limit £10,000, and review expenditure decisions made by the Headteacher with regard to virement limits.
- To undertake a detailed budget monitoring role on behalf of the full Governing Body including: -
- Monitoring of school fund annually;
- Consider the self-assessment under the Schools Financial Value Standard as an annual item;
- Reviewing staff pay and conditions;
- Agreeing procedures for staff conduct and discipline;
- Setting priorities for improvement and monitoring and evaluating the impact of improvement plans which relate to the committee's area of operation;
- Developing and reviewing policies identified within the school's policy review programme and in accordance with its delegated powers;
- Agree the level of financial delegation to the Headteacher;
- Ensure that the principles of `best value' are adhered to;
- Review, monitor and evaluate the annual maintenance programme;
- Project manage maintenance, repairs and redecoration within the budget allocation;
- Recommend an appropriate staffing structure to the full governing body for approval;
- Recruit, select and appoint staff;
- To ensure, as far as is practical, that Health and Safety issues are appropriately prioritised;
- To ensure that the school operates within the Financial Regulations of the Scheme for Financing Schools and the Finance Manual;
- To consider any appeal against a decision on pay grading or pay awards;
- That the Head teacher be delegated authority to incur expenditure and/or make a virement of funds from one cost centre to another within the school budget up to an amount of £10.000, any expenditure or virement above this amount requires the authority of the Finance and Premises Committee;
- Secure the effective implementation of performance management procedures and related policies;
- To keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence;
- To report to the Governing Body about any training opportunities for staff and governors;
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of partnerships in securing improved pupil outcomes;
- To draft and keep under review the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher;
- To make recommendations in respect of awards for the successful meeting of targets set for relevant members of staff only;
- To provide guidance to the full governing body for the following, which cannot be delegated:
- Appointment of Headteacher, and Deputy headteacher;
- Approval of the staffing structure for the school;
- Approve S.F.A;
- Approve auditor for S.F.A.
Performance Review Committee
This group’s quorum is 2 governors, Chair plus one other, who must be members of the committee. Vice Chair to deputise in the absence of the Chair.
Terms of Reference:
- To arrange to meet with the External Adviser to discuss the Head teacher’s performance targets;
- To decide, with the support of the External Adviser, whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually;
- To monitor through the year the performance of the Head teacher against the targets;
- To make recommendations in respect of awards for the successful meeting of targets set.
Children and Curriculum Committee
Terms of Reference:
- To consider and advise the Governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements, School Curriculum Policies and Children’s progress;
- To consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the Governing Body;
- To review the school Positive Behaviour & Anti Bullying Policy, and make recommendations on changes to the Full Governing Body;
- Ensuring the health, safety and well-being of staff and pupils;
- Promoting community cohesion and inclusive practice relating to race, gender and disability equality;
- To systematically gather the views of stakeholders and report on these, in order that outcomes are effectively used to inform planning;
- To agree annual attendance targets and monitor progress towards achieving these;
- Monitoring and evaluating rates of progress and standards of achievement by pupils, including any underachieving groups;
- Ensuring that the curriculum is balanced, broadly based, meets the needs of all pupils and complies with statutory requirements
To accept full delegated responsibilities for the discharge of the following duties:
Monitor and evaluate:
- the effectiveness of leadership and management;
- the impact of quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement;
- the impact of continuing professional development on improving staff performance;
- the effectiveness of provision for children with special educational needs;
- the quality of the curriculum in securing high standards of achievement;
- the impact of any actions or interventions taken to address differential standards of achievement or rates of progress within groups of pupils (e.g. SEN, gender, potential pupil premium children, EAL, LAC etc.);
- Identify and celebrate pupil achievement.